Thor Zone NANOQ

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Technische Daten – Thor Zone NANOQ S & NANOQ R

Abmessungen (HxBxT)226x141x355 mm245 x 164 x 407 mm
Volumen (l)1116
Gewicht (kg)2.9 kg4.2kg
Riser-KabelPCIe 4.0 X16PCIe 4.0 X16
Grafikkarte327×63×158 (163 max)

* Please note that standard PCIe power connectors add about 15mm of height to your GPU. For very tall GPUs you may need to get low-profile PCIe power connectors or find a GPU model with recessed power connectors.
* NANOQ allows you to shift the GPU vertically, thereby increasing GPU height from NORM to MAX height; however, please note that this also decreases the bottom radiator height from NORM to MIN height. You can shift the GPU to any value between NORM and MAX height.
* Please note that front mounted radiators/fans decrease the available GPU length.
378×83×162 (167 max)

* Please note that standard PCIe power connectors add about 15mm of height to your GPU. For very tall GPUs you may need to get low-profile PCIe power connectors or find a GPU model with recessed power connectors.
* NANOQ allows you to shift the GPU vertically, thereby increasing GPU height from NORM to MAX height; however, please note that this also decreases the bottom radiator height from NORM to MIN height. You can shift the GPU to any value between NORM and MAX height.
* Please note that front mounted radiators/fans decrease the available GPU length.
CPU-Kühler– 51 mm norm. Höhe
– 71 mm max. Höhe

* Please note that air coolers taller than NORM height require the NANOQ spine to be shifted, thereby drecreasing available GPU width.
* If your CPU TDP is above 65W please consider using an AIO or custom loop water cooling.
– 51 mm norm. Höhe
– 91 mm max. Höhe

* Please note that air coolers taller than NORM height require the NANOQ spine to be shifted, thereby drecreasing available GPU width.
* If your CPU TDP is above 65W please consider using an AIO or custom loop water cooling.
Wasserkühlung1x 240mm (Bottom / Top)

* For radiators with thickness between 18-27mm, a slim fan must be used on the motherboard side of the radiator.
* Please consider using an SFX PSU over SFX-L when choosing an AIO, this will make the installation process considerably easier.
* Please note that some AIO pumps / CPU blocks require the NANOQ spine to be shifted, thereby drecreasing available GPU width.
* Please note that shifting your GPU vertically decreases the available radiator space to some value betweem NORM and MIN height.
* Please only use slim fans on the bottom radiator when considering an SFX-L PSU. Using an SFX PSU allows you to fit a standard 120x25mm fan on the front part of the radiator.
1x 280 (Bottom / Top)

* Please consider using an SFX PSU over SFX-L when choosing an AIO, this will make the installation process considerably easier.
* Please note that some AIO pumps / CPU blocks require the NANOQ spine to be shifted, thereby drecreasing available GPU width.
* Please note that shifting your GPU vertically decreases the available radiator space to some value betweem NORM and MIN height.
ArbeitsspeicherHöhe 55 bis 95 mm (with spine shift)Höhe 55 bis 75 mm (with spine shift)
FestplatteAusschließlich M.2 SSDsAusschließlich M.2 SSDs
Lüfter– Top: 2x 120mm
– Side: 1x 120mm

– Top: 1x 240 (total available clearance 43mm above motherboard, 53mm above PSU)
– Top: 2x 120/140mm
– Front: 1x 120/140mm

– Top: 1x 240/280 (total available clearance 53mm)
– Front: 120/140 (27mm radiator + 25mm thick fan, leaves 324mm of available for GPU length)
FrontanschlüssePower ButtonPower Button
MaterialChassis: Aluminum
Internal Frame: Stainless Steel
Front: Carbon, Walnut (optional)
Chassis: Aluminum
Internal Frame: Stainless Steel
Front: Carbon, Walnut (optional)
FarbenCarbon, Graphite, Moonstone, ChalkCarbon, Graphite, Moonstone, Chalk
Zubehör– Handles
– Lightrays
– Carbon Front
– Walnut Front
– Asetek Gen 7 AIO (240 for NANOQ S, Fans are not included)
– Handles
– Lightrays
– Carbon Front
– Walnut Front
– Asetek Gen 7 AIO (280 for NANOQ R, Fans are not included)
Technische Daten Thor Zone NANOQ

Noch ein gut gemeinter Tipp, da dass NANOQ wirklich ein sehr spezielles Gehäuse ist, schaut auf der Homepage vorbei, denn dort erhaltet ihr eine Liste mit kompatiblen Grafikkarten, AIOs und Luftkühlern. Ein Blick lohnt sich definitiv.

Thor Zone NANOQ R – Build I


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